SAT we agreed is a good "get out of cage free day" -
It has been an interesting first week. My locked up cock is trying his best to not be a pain in my ass with the needy behaviors that this seems to evoke with a locked down dick. I will give him credit he has not been able to see me since his cock has been caged. I know he hoped and wanted to have a day or sleep the night over so we could be together. He isnt whining for release yet, but I dont think he should. Im letting him out once a week to air it out, clean it, and if he hasnt lost the privilege this is the most likely time he will be allowed a release. My way whatever that might be. Or if his wife wants to fuck him he can be freed into her care for the duration his wife wants to use his cock for her sexual needs. We havent incorporated her into experiment as of yet at least her and I have not met or had discussions . I know he has talked to his wife, and she isnt stopping the experiment. I hope she and I do talk and I may get the chance to share with her the findings of the research study and what that could do or mean for a relationship in the state it is. I believe if she controlled his dick in a way he knew topping from the bottom would not be tolerated, she has the opportunity to make this a relationship where she is in control of a chaste husband, who would dote, adore, and do almost anything for her. Its as simple as asking... I will not weigh in on their relationship unless it is asked of me. But I truly believe chastity will change him... maybe her too. I hope for the better.
So I sent my chastity experiment a note on sat. his release day. It said the below...
Sat is a busy day - and its your dick free day... I think I am going to
make dick free day a bit more challenging. I want you to not touch your
dick for any reason after the cage is off and you have showered and
cleaned your dick well. No touching for peeing no touching for pleasure
no touching to shift it... Then count how many times you accidentally
touch your dick thru out the day, if any. Each touch counts as a point.
How many points will be a factor to your next discipline session ...
enjoy the day...
He was honest and told me his hand touch his dick 3 no 4 times while it was free... 4 demerits has been earned and will be addressed at his 1st of weekly disciplinary sessions.
I think I will be seeing him tomorrow, Monday. Lots to catch up on together and he is going to be punished for his infractions from the week past. Most likely face down, ass up, RESTRAINED, and will get at a minimum 40 swats. But most likely will get a hella more than he thinks he wants or deserves.
Thats a wrap... time for me to crawl into bed myself.
Good night, I hope the sandman doesnt keep you awake or more likely a hard willy in the night keeping you up while you try to sleep. Yes sleep is important, going to go enjoy mine now.
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